Doctor Strange
Scott Derrickson
A bit too silly, innit?
Resolutions, reviews, rants, raves.
What to say…. Should I mention the shouting drama performed by the really bad actors? The constant lack of steady-cam? Or the whiney “boohoo, what’s the rebels ever done for meeeeee”-scenes? Or maybe I should mention the horrible CGI – I’m certain I saw occlusion errors in some scenes. Speaking of CGI, I should probably gloss over the fact that Moff and Leia were CGI-characters. And let’s pretend to ignore the shitty dialogue, and the stereotypical table-top RPG-plot. And to even consider criticising the physics modeling would just be silly.
Oh, I know; Not as awful as Episode 2. Not quite as awful. Probably.
Oh, by the way, a happy bouncy announcy: this officially marks the (jump) start of 2017: The Year Of Weekly Cinema.
Trump willing, etc….