Title: | Anchorman 2 |
Director: | Adam McKay |
Trying to forget: | Trying to hide. |
Score: | 3/6 |
Drink of the day: | Grans Champagne |
Category: At the Movies
#86: Moonrise Kingdom [2012]
#85: Planes [2013]
#84: 9 [2009]
#83: Nine [2009]
#82: The Lionshare [2009]
A good effort for Bernard’s inaugural film. The story is, frankly a little thin and drawn out, but the acting is just about as good as it gets. stellar. Nick and Matty’s opening scenes in perticular is nothing short of stellar.
Watch it. It’s free, even.
Title: | The Lionshare |
Director: | Josh Bernhard |
Watch it for: | The acting |
Score: | 4/6 |
Drink of the day: | Humlesus |