Project of the year 2014.

Not the actual films I’ll watch.  Or are they?

Let 2014 be the year of film.

For years I’ve been plagued with feelings of guilt over not seeing enough film.  Every couple of weeks, I’ll sit down and binge on 3, 4, 5 films, but is it enough? I don’t think it’s enough.

The Complete Columbo came in a cardboard cigar box!  I am disappoint! Or am I?

So for 2014, I hereby pledge to watch (at least) one movie a day.  I’m not quite sure what the CDO demands yet, but I know do that they have be real movies.  My 60 unwatched Columbo episodes don’t count, even if they are 90 minutes.

Lars thinks I should double whammy my film watching with a cocktail du jour. Brilliant idea. Will I stick to it? Who can tell! You can, because I’ll keep you posted!

Dark and stormy! Or is it?