Endless Poetry
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Not as stream-of-consciousness as earlier outings, which isn’t really that strange, seeing as it is an autobiography of sorts. Still unmistakably Jodorowsky.
Resolutions, reviews, rants, raves.
This week kicks off the new year’s project: The year of going to the cinema every week, with not only the human eye in a leading role, but the human rucksack in another. They’re on the poster however, so I’ve only myself to blame for that one, and will therefore not deduct any points for it. I will however take one away for the stupidest plot resolution since Interstellar. Even so, in all essentials just another alien deciphring mystery with a twist, Arrival also presents an engaging, and at least moderately intelligent subtext commenting on the human condition, which is what all good scifi should do. Not hopeless, but does serve to illustrate Hollywood’s need for some better writers.
What to say…. Should I mention the shouting drama performed by the really bad actors? The constant lack of steady-cam? Or the whiney “boohoo, what’s the rebels ever done for meeeeee”-scenes? Or maybe I should mention the horrible CGI – I’m certain I saw occlusion errors in some scenes. Speaking of CGI, I should probably gloss over the fact that Moff and Leia were CGI-characters. And let’s pretend to ignore the shitty dialogue, and the stereotypical table-top RPG-plot. And to even consider criticising the physics modeling would just be silly.
Oh, I know; Not as awful as Episode 2. Not quite as awful. Probably.
Oh, by the way, a happy bouncy announcy: this officially marks the (jump) start of 2017: The Year Of Weekly Cinema.
Trump willing, etc….